Selasa, 15 Juli 2008

Goes green

Global warming making so many trouble to us and many disaster will come is we not surpress it then a catastrope will came in early year.Global warming make Iceberg in North pole melt then Many animal live in there will death or extinct in this world.So give your hand and help to ward off this disaster.Many company start to care abutour enviroment then they make some thing that can help this global warming but a little.Some people make an invention like making a new bag that can change the position of plastic bag, this new bag were make from fabric so it can easily been hang loosely than plastic bag that can't been recycle.

Carrefour were some of the company that help to surpress global warming with selling a fabric bag.The design of this bag were coloured by green colour and have a picture that draw a hand hold a tree.Carrefour careabout our enviroment but it still use a plastic bag to put costumers stuff into it.Actually thats not good.I also have a fabric bag, I get it from Singapore.It was dark brown colour and have recyle pictures ot it.At the other side it writes "Please recycle me".

I had already read a lot of people or company from other country that make fabric bag but Indonesia never make it.The government said that the will help to surpress globalwarming with give some seed that easy to plant to society but untill now they never send it to us.Every year there always have presiden pictures he plants a plant in newspaper.Actually he just planted one plant and cut a lot of trees from forest.Beside that every year our country always had black out it happen everyday.Because of the black out people buy generator then they spend a lot of money to buy fuel.Some people died because this black out , they died because of the generator, there just 2 method how they die that are becuase of generator smoke and when they open the generator then the generator explode.

Looks like it just a simple case but do you know people everyday buy fuel to fill their empty generator then the fuel become a little.Because that government increase fuel price that so the one who make fuel become expensive be cause of PLN.They make so many people death because of black out and they make the fuel price become increase.I have heard from a lot of people said that PLN make black out because they sell fuel so they get more money or because of the increasing of fuel price they make black out.When the black out come they will tell to newspaper that they have something to change because it were already old so many nonsense thing they tell but infact they just lie.Yesterday I read the newspaper it wrote that the vice president optimist that there will never black out again.

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